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Our Adventure in Mexico!


I would like to thank the Bergen Community College Center for Intercultural Understanding for their vision. Thank you for having faith in Bergen’s youngest students and their teachers.

I am brimming with ideas that will further the goals of the CSIU:

  • To sponsor and coordinate events that promote intercultural understanding
  • To integrate into curricula and instruction exemplary principles and practices of diversity education
  • To promote reflection and scholarship on the connections between cultural difference, democracy, and liberal education
  • To increase community involvement and partnerships to more fully support and to strengthen campus and county-wide efforts to promote intercultural understanding
Some thoughts about this trip.....
(It was so hard to leave!)
I think I will just share part of a letter I wrote to thank Erik Mollenhauer of EIRC for making this trip possible:
I just wanted to tell you once again how grateful I am to be part of this adventure. I am not using the past tense because I feel like it is just beginning.
This was the best week of my life. There is so much to think about, reflect upon and absorb. I was up until 2 am last night talking non stop to my husband about it....I was full of "stories" to tell.
 I was always so close to nature and the environment all of my life.
It is a joy for me to share my love of nature with the children I teach. The one thing that I always hope they receive from me as a teacher is a respect for and a concern for the environment.
But I am now reflecting upon and questioning  what it truly means to be a part of this world that we all share. Questions that might never have occurred to me before seem so obvious now. How can we expect people to care for their environment when they need to make sure that their children survive!?? I started out this trip with an open mind. But now I have an open heart. What a joy to look into the eyes of the children at the school.
I feel hopeful that they ( and our children) will positively impact the future of this planet.
 I met so many wonderful people on this trip and have established unexpected friendships that truly will last a lifetime.
Marcos Garcia will live in my heart.
It was an incredible journey..and I have so many new ideas! I can not wait to get back to school!
I'll be back just as soon as I am able.
Much love to all the girls and boys at the CDC,
I miss you ALL!
See you very soon,
Miss Hope

 Read the poem


by poet (and Monarch teacher) Mary Redus.

Click for an accidental video! I didn't know my camera could take videos....

Teachers ( and Yummy) at the Pyramid of the Sun.

For more about our schools Monarch Project
Follow the Monarch Butterfly....

Bergen Community College Center for the Study of Intercultural Understanding