Beautiful Butterflies

Our Art Gallery

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Alyana's Life Cycle

Anabelle's Life Cycle

Eric's Life Cycle

Kathy's Life Cycle

Marcus' Life Cycle

"This is a butterfly and a chrysalis and the egg and the caterpillar.That one was mine."

Ryan's Life Cycle

Ryan's Life Cycle Sketch

" There.It is leaves for caterpillars and there are so many eggs.There is the "J" and a chrysalis. There is a butterfly and a flower and that's it."

Veronica's Life Cycle Sketch

"This is an egg and a caterpillar and another caterpillar and a leaf for the caterpillar to eat and a "J" and a chrysalis and a butterfly and another egg!"

Veronica's puppets

butterfly painting

Butterfly Painting (2)

Butterfly Painting (3)


A Dance With the Butterflies                   

Hope D'Avino-Jennings 2006