Monarch Caterpillar Monarch Caterpillar Eating Milkweed leaves Before he was getting his chrysalis ready On many sticks Because he wanted to be a butterfly ~Veronica 4 years old
The Chrysalis The chrysalis was shaking Yesterday On the grass Cuz the butterfly wanted to come out and make an egg ~Marcus 4 years old
Beautiful Butterflies
Poetry and Stories
5W Poems ( Who, What, When, Where, Why) The Egg The Egg Hatched In the summer In a leaf Cuz the butterfly wanted to hatch ~Ryan 4 years old
Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly Flying On a sunny day To a flower To drink nectar ~Jonathan 4 years old
Butterfly Butterfly Fly away To a flower Monarch butterflies today So cute and pretty ~Kathy 4 years old
A Dance With the Butterflies
Hope D'Avino-Jennings 2006